About the Yolo County Archives

The Archives Preserves Our History and Saves Our Stories.

The Yolo County Archives is the official repository for the historical records of Yolo County. The County is very fortunate in that many of its early records have been preserved.  The County has made a commitment to continue the collection of historical records, offering researchers access to one of the most complete collections of county records in California.

In addition to official county records, the Archives also houses numerous collections from private donors and organizations that reflect the County's history from 1850 to present.

The Archives is open by appointment on Tuesday from 9 AM to 1 PM and on Thursday from 12 PM to 4 PM. Call 530-666-8010 to set up an appointment. 

About Friends of the Yolo County Archives (FYCA)

Friends of the Yolo County Archives is a non-profit corporation whose purpose is to support the services, staff, and facilities of the Yolo County Archives.  

Although Yolo County paid for the storage of the archival records and a federal grant was used to pay the salary of a professional archivist to organize and operate the Archives for the first few years, the Friends organization was founded in November, 1986, to provide the financial aid and volunteer help necessary to make the archival records accessible to the public.  It was incorporated on February 10, 1987.

Membership in Friends of the Yolo County Archives is open to all interested persons; and volunteers to work in the Archives are always welcome.  In the past 30 years, Friends members have volunteered thousands of hours educating the public about the value of historical records; raising funds to purchase archival equipment and supplies; preserving, indexing, cataloging, and filing documents; and helping patrons with genealogical and other research.

Please support the work of the Archives and the Friends by beginning  or renewing  a membership.