News and Announcements

Renovation and Budget News

Renovation Completed!

The Yolo County Archives is open and ready for business! This video slideshow highlights the newly renovated Archives and is composed of photos taken by Archives and Records Center Coordinator Heather Lanctot.


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Last Board Meeting

After many years, Ted Smith and Roberta Stevenson are retiring from the FYCA Board. Ted has served as president and newsletter editor. Roberta has served as secretary. We thank you and salute you!

Incoming President Anastasia Panagakos adds: "Thank you to Ted and Roberta for many years of service and support of the Yolo County Archives!"

Patty Wong Is Leaving

We bid farewell to Patty Wong, Yolo County Librarian, as she embarks on a new job as city librarian for Santa Monica. Her tireless work to promote literacy, knowledge, and engagement with history in our communities will be missed!

Ted Smith wrote an article about Patty when she began the job in 2008. Read it in the The Archives Ledger--Fall, 2008.

Friends of the Yolo County Archives is celebrating its 30th Anniversary!

To learn more about the history of the FYCA, read Shipley Walters' article in The Archives Ledger--Spring, 2012.

William Petty, Board Member

It is with great sadness that the Friends share the passing of William Petty, long time Friends of the Yolo County Archives board member and Yolo County resident.

(Full Article: Bill Petty)